Mehdi MaghsoodniaEPIC is to Healthcare what IBM was to Enterprise circa 1980Epic systems in 2024 resembles IBM in the enterprise market in 1980 — dominant and, at the same time, fragile. Both companies secured…Aug 20Aug 20
Mehdi MaghsoodniaIs Biden our George WashingtonWhen history looks back on Joe Biden’s presidency, it may well consider him one of the most consequential U.S. presidents since George…Jul 22Jul 22
Mehdi MaghsoodniaHigher Education Under AttackThe United States’ higher education system has long been heralded as the best in the world. Renowned for its excellence, it has served as a…May 14May 14
Mehdi MaghsoodniaThe End of Fossil Fuel EmpireIn the tapestry of nature, diversity and organic growth are fundamental principles that manifest resilience and strength. This natural…Jan 29Jan 29
Mehdi MaghsoodniaMeditation on EmotionsLast week, I had the pleasure of attending Burning Man with some close friends. We were having a fantastic time, dancing on an art car…Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
Mehdi MaghsoodniaA Word Of CautionThere’s so much I yearn to share with both of you, but time always seems limited, and our chances to delve into these topics with the depth…Aug 25, 2023Aug 25, 2023
Mehdi MaghsoodniaChapter M — Mom is MovingChange is an inevitable part of life, often marked by moments that tug at my heart and evoke a cascade of emotions. Recently, my family…Aug 9, 2023Aug 9, 2023
Mehdi MaghsoodniaThe case for use of AI in judicial systemDecision-making processes are integral to our everyday lives, whether it be deciding what to eat for breakfast or making complex judgments…Apr 6, 2023Apr 6, 2023
Mehdi MaghsoodniaFear — A tool for manipulating peopleFear has been used as a tool of manipulation by both politicians and religious leaders throughout history. By creating a sense of fear or…Mar 31, 2023Mar 31, 2023
Mehdi MaghsoodniaInstitutional religion and their leadershipReligious institutions have been a part of human society for thousands of years, serving as the centers for spiritual guidance and moral…Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023