A Word Of Caution

Mehdi Maghsoodnia
4 min readAug 25, 2023

There’s so much I yearn to share with both of you, but time always seems limited, and our chances to delve into these topics with the depth and richness they deserve are few and far between. My love for you both is immeasurable, and I recognize that some of these subjects might feel distant and unfamiliar at your age. I understand that by the time you’re ready to contemplate these matters, I might be advanced in age or even absent, unable to engage with you in these conversations. How I wish we could have endless hours to sit together, letting these thoughts flow freely from our minds.

So, I’m jotting down my thoughts on paper, envisioning a future where an AI avatar could read this and engage in discussions with you, as if I were right there beside you.

My cherished children, it's crucial to keep in mind that humanity, as a species, is far from flawless. We're marked by countless shortcomings and imperfections. One prominent flaw among many is our inclination to seek simplified narratives to make sense of the bewildering complexities we struggle to grasp. Embracing uncertainty and ambiguity doesn't come naturally to us. Swift changes in our surroundings trigger an instinctual response, as if they're immediate threats. This primal reaction, deeply rooted in our evolutionary past, likely served our ancestors as a survival mechanism, safeguarding them from potential dangers in the wild.

We can't continuously process everything around us. In reality, if we were perpetually attentive to every environmental stimulus—sounds, lights…

