The case for use of AI in judicial system

Mehdi Maghsoodnia
3 min readApr 6, 2023

Decision-making processes are integral to our everyday lives, whether it be deciding what to eat for breakfast or making complex judgments that have far-reaching consequences. However, human decision-making is not always consistent or unbiased due to various factors such as fatigue, cognitive biases, and limited information. This variability in human performance in decision-making processes can lead to inconsistent and sometimes unfair outcomes.

Recent research has highlighted the variability in decision-making abilities among human judges in the context of parole review. A study conducted in Israel found that parole judges were more likely to grant parole immediately following a meal break, with the likelihood of granting parole dropping to nearly zero just before the next break. This demonstrates how even minor factors such as hunger and fatigue can have a significant impact on the decisions made by human judges. It is important to recognize that this variability is built into our anatomy and it is not something any human being can overcome.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in decision-making processes has been proposed as a solution to address the variability in human performance. AI algorithms are designed to make decisions based on data and mathematical models, eliminating the potential for biases and inconsistencies that may exist in…

